As well as Missouri residents to get their licenses. Yes, that's right - you read the blog earlier correct, I was in fact IN PetCo obtaining my Missouri license. I'm crossing over. Sadly.
But that's not really what this post is about, well kind of. But I'm going to be quick, because my lunch break is almost over - which I will also follow up by running the stairs at the office.
As I was getting my DL, the woman was asking me all of the information:
Contacts or glasses: Contacts
Are you registered to vote: I think so
Do you want to be an organ donor: Yes, but please make sure they don't take my skin or eyeballs
You're 5 foot 4, 170 pounds: Yes.....WHAT????
NO! I am not 170 lbs! 99 please - okay well maybe not that small, but apparently to this woman sitting behind the computer I look like a huge whale. Awesome. Back to the diet consisting of watermelon and celery sticks. Maybe some coffee.
Ugh. Note to self: stop wearing shirts that apparently look like tents.
Back to P90x it is - super hard core.
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